Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Why Chair Yoga

Chair yoga has many benefits. I go into them in this article.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Why I got my ATG Certification

I've always been an active person, finding joy in movement. I grew up in a running family. Our family used running and swimming as our hobbies. But as time went on, I began to notice a grinding pain in my right knee that seemed to worsen with time.

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Bett Bollhoefer Bett Bollhoefer

Secrets of Being the Toastmaster of the Day

The goal of being the Toastmaster of the Day is to run a FUN and engaging Toastmasters meeting where everyone has an opportunity to speak. The meeting must be timely and engaging.

Here are top secrets that will help you run a fun, engaging, and successful Toastmasters meeting:

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